Monday, November 12, 2012
CAST 2012 and 2013
We just returned from the CAST show in Corpus Christi, TX. This year's show was a bit smaller than the previous shows due to the location, but it was still an excellent show.
We exhibited our genetics kits from United Scientific as well as a few of our physics kits. We apprecaited all of the great feedback from the teachers in attendance. If there is one lesson to be learned, its that I should have brought our tie dye lab coats to sell. I had one with me that I wore and I quickly learned that if I brought a truck full with me, it would have been a license to print money! That being said, any of our distributors who are not offering these great coats, you're missing out! Contact me for details.
I've always been impressed with the CAST show because it really is run top to bottom by one man, Mr. Frank Butcher. Frank goes out of his way to make sure everyone is happy and you feel like you're a lifelong friend when you deal with him. There was lots of gripes about the extended hours for the expo this year. Frank listened and I noticed that the tentative schedule for next year has the hours scaled back a little bit. As an exhibitor, we appreciate his willingness to hear and react to our feedback!
Due to the success at this show, we've already booked for next year and will be in booths 633-635 next year in Houston! See you there!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Back To School Suggestions for parents
Throughout most of the US, school is starting this week or next week (or has already begun). Lets take some time to remember what our teachers do for our kids:
1. They are the most underpaid (along with servicemen/women) profession in the country, yet they go far out of their way to help our kids.
2. They're budgets have been drastically cut and yet they still fill their classrooms with curriculum, many times out of their own pockets.
3. They only ask for our trust and respect back.
As I approach my 35th birthday, I realize that this next comment will make me feel twice that age: When I was in school, parents and teachers stood on the same side/team and worked together. Now, its always the teacher's fault and that is in virtually every case 100% wrong.
I'm putting a call out there for all parents to take a lesson from our parents and give our teachers as much respect to them as they show interest and dedication to our kids. Now is the time to take a stand and believe and support a teacher who brings up a behavior or academic issue to our attention. Let's work towards solutions and not assign misguided blame.
I've seen too many cases where parents tell me that teachers are "picking on their kids" or where the school "doesn't know what they are doing". If a teacher were to tell me that one of my kids were being disruptive or not treating his peers with respect, we'd discuss it with our child based on the observations that the teacher shared with us, not immediately turn it around and accuse the teacher of picking on our boys.
To all of our teachers out there, thank you for what you do and have a great school year!
Friday, July 27, 2012
Quincy Lab Gravity Convection Ovens are a big hit!

These laboratory ovens are designed to meet the laboratory needs of industry, research organizations and schools. Well-crafted and versatile, they are used for drying, baking, sterilizing, evaporating, heat treating, annealing and testing. The GC (Gravity Convection) and AF (Forced Air) series ovens are competitively priced and offer exceptional value and reliability. All Ovens have a Max Temperature of 225°C/437°F. Contact us for dealer pricing, images, additional specifications, literature, etc.
· Quincy Lab uses quality UL and CSA recognized components in all ovens.
Also Available from Quincy Lab: Digital and Analog Incubators, Large Bench Ovens, and Microscope Slide Cabinets. Contact me at for additional details!
Friday, June 15, 2012
New Poster Sets from Fischer Technical Company!
GEOPOS/SET - Introduction to Geology (Includes Introduction to Rocks, Minerals, Fossils, and Gemstones) – Four of our most popular posters combined in one kit. All four posters offer detailed explanations of many subjects of Geology.
ANIPOS/SET - Animal Orders (Includes Fish, Reptiles/Amphibians, Mammals, and Birds) – Four content intensive posters featuring all of the vertebrate orders of Animals.
INSPOS/SET - Insects (Includes Insect Identification, Arthropods, Insect Metamorphosis, and Arachnida) – Our most popular insect posters along with the new Arachnida poster together in one convenient set.
Note: There is no minimum order on these posters and they need to be ordered directly from us at Fischer Technical Company. Fischer Technical Company has a $50 minimum order total for all items. Each Kit comes packaged in its own “ready to ship” box.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Times where technology is bad for business
Technology since then has reshaped our industry. More and more of our customers are focusing on their webpage and virtually all of them allows for customers to order direct from the web. Many of them even allow for special pricing to be given when signing in to their account. Also, technology has allowed many new dealers to enter our marketplace. A select group of them have even become powerhouses in the industry with sales far surpassing their long established competitors.
Fischer Technical Company (along with virtually everyone else in the market) now has a webpage, linkedin account, twitter account, and Facebook page (sorry MySpace). I have that elusive GPS in my car now and my cell phone is approximately 782 times more efficient than the desktop computer we had in 2001 when I started. I've given new product presentations on my iPad and images/prices/literature is emailed to customers in a matter of seconds.
Despite all of these advancements, I've seen one area of technology that I believe is hurting our industry. The acceptance of the "virtual meeting" is taking away the key ingredient to a successful business relationship...the handshake and personal relationship. When I started visiting customers, one of our customers from a mid size catalog house told me, "I work with people, not companies." I didn't understand his point very well at first, but over the past several years, I've grown to embrace it.
I make it a point to personally visit as many of our dealers across the country as I possibly can each year. I need them to know that they can personally count on me to take theirs and their customer needs into account as we work together. On the flip side, I need to know that me personally, and the service/products I offer are important enough for them to take a few minutes out of their day to see how we can improve and grow our business relationship.
I have very strong personal relationships with many of our customers, especially those I've been regularly visiting the past 10 years. At first, I'd look to them for advice and suggestions, as I've grown in the business, I find us reaching out to each other more and more. The benefit to this type of relationship is that trust is established and our mutual businesses grow as we bring new ideas to each other. It's very personal.
In my opinion, meeting in front of a computer in a "virtual boardroom" does not accomplish nearly as much. As a sales person, I'm a show and tell type of person. I like to take a sample of our product and point out the advantages or ask for opinions and/or suggestions. Even though I can send a sample to a person before we "cyber meet", I can't be there in the same room to physically point out features/benefits or see an example of how an improvement can be made.
Perhaps I'm from the old school, but when I shake a businessman or businesswoman's hand and look them in the eyes to make an agreement, this holds more weight with me than a 25 page generic agreement written by attorneys (and likely for attorneys) signed by both parties.
In conclusion, while the changes in technology have allowed our business to progress into the next era, its important not to forget the paths we've taken to get to this point. Building personal relationships and in person meetings cannot be replaced by virtual meetings and chat rooms.
Have a great week!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
2012 United Scientific Catalog is here

Below are a few highlights of the new products:


Please contact me at if you would like additional copies of the catalog.
Have a great day!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
New line of products from United Scientific
Just a brief post today as I'm heading to the Pacific Northwest to visit customers very soon! United Scientific is now offering a line of medical/research plasticware from Abdos. Cryo Vials, RIA vials, tube storage, Cryo Coders, and much more will be offered. Please contact me for additional information and pricing!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
United Scientific and CAST 2012
I'm pleased to announce that United Scientific will once again be exhibiting at the CAST show in Corpus Christi on November 8-10. For those of you not familiar with this show, it is by far my favorite Science Education exhibition. This is the state science show for Texas and it is always full of teachers and the exhibition hall is almost as large as NSTA. Being that it is held in November, dealers have a great feel for which of their new products have "taken off" this year and there is some innovative and fantastic stuff on display.
I encourage all of my science education peers (both dealers and manufacturers) as well as Texas educators to attend. Learn more about this show on their website:
As we get closer, I'll fill you in as to which products United Scientific will be exhibiting as well as the Booth locations.
Have a great day!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
NSTA 2012
While the traffic was down, I got a strong feeling from the exhibitors that the teachers that were there were very interested in learning about new products and spent quality time at their booths. Very heavy traffic as usual at the workshops.
One of our dealers hosted an "in booth workshop" of our new WormWatcher Kits. The product seems to be a big hit and we anticipate big things from it!
One of the best parts of the NSTA national show is that the dealers who are exhibiting virtually all feature their lead product managers and upper management in the booths. This is always a great chance for me to catch up with our customers and gather ideas as to which products they'd prefer us to present to them when we have our official visit later in the spring.
One improvement I'd like to see is a more focused integration of social media similar to the way Pittcon tried to use Twitter. This would be a great way to promote workshops and drive interest.
Usually, I find that CAST is the best science education show of the year for us, but this year, the bar was raised by NSTA and I can't wait until November to see what CAST has to offer. I hope to see you in Corpus Christi this fall or hopefully sooner!
Have a great day!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
New Product! Worm Watcher Biome in a Box!

Introducing the WormWatcher® - the only clear, indoor composter that is lockable and portable. Talk about trash, watersheds, sustainability, earth science and more as worms recycle food waste into healthy soil inside the classroom. Bury different items in each corner and compare results. Spark student curiosity with this hands-on tool! Perform experiments with the worms, worm castings (vermicast used as a soil supplement), and worm tea (liquid fertilizer). This easy-to-clean container with excellent drainage and air flow is a low-maintenance, odorless composter that requires no tumbling or turning! See fast results in days to weeks. It is easy to carry with handles in the base, so share it with other classrooms. The middle/high school kit includes a reading book, a teacher-ready workbook full of worksheets indexed by topic, a sample unit lesson plan from the National Science Teachers Association, the WormWatcher®, DVD, directions, Vitamix, curtain, and landscape cloth. 60-day Warranty. Grades 6-12.
Contact me at if you'd like to offer this product on your website or have any questions.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Pittcon 2012 Review
Walking the floor, I immediately noticed the impact that the economy is having in our industry as the show was significantly smaller again. I heard numbers in the "thousands" instead of "ten thousands" this year. Although, I will admit, I have not seen the final numbers.
New this year was a big screen in the middle of the show floor showing the live twitter feed from Pittcon. While this idea sounds "cool", I did not see one person looking at it and the few minutes I looked at it didn't really offer much value to me.
I'd love to see an app designed to help easily link manufacturer's with distributors. Specifically, I'm looking for a place where attendees and exhibitors can register what type of companies they are looking to meet and then have a way to connect with each other, perhaps even set an appointment. When I go to Pittcon, I have two purposes: 1. Visit my distributors and 2. Find new products to either introduce to the education market or into our network of laboratory distributors. Having an app with this type of technology would help me and many like me who are looking to find new business relationships.
I'm off to NSTA next week and look forward to seeing more of our distributors there! Have a great day everyone and to those of you in the midwest like me....enjoy the weather!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Trade Show Season starts
I will be at Pittcon in Orlando starting Sunday, March 11 through Wednesday March 14th. My calendar is quickly filling up, I still have a few slots left open if you'd like to meet with me.
I'll also be at NSTA in Indianapolis from March 29th through March 31st. I'm very excited to see many of my distributors to tell them about all of our fantastic new products for this catalog cycle!
United Scientific will also have a booth at CAST this November in Corpus Christi, TX. Start planning early as this is always one of the best science education shows in the country every year!
Safe travels!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Fearing Technology Means Missing Opportunities
When I first joined this industry 11 years ago, our company shared one email address, had no webpage, received some orders by snail mail and most by fax, and selling on the web meant Ebay. Now most of us have complicated mail servers, Youtube channels, automated PO systems, websites fully integrated with product spec sheets and videos, and use analytics to choose product placement on our websites and advertising on search engines. I have customers that can tell me within seconds which webpages led their customers to our products, which dollars were best spent on advertising, etc. I can go to and search one of our products by item number and many of our vendors have coded our numbers in their system and show up on the results page.
What does all of this mean? Don't fear technology, embrace it and learn about it.
Do utilize text messaging to share information.
Do learn how to Skype.
Do keep your webpages updated.
Do show as much information as you can on your website.
Do research advertising on the internet.
Do consider tablets as opposed to laptops when travelling.
Do provide value added to your customers by showing the products being used, ideally in a video.
Do learn how to check your email from your mobile device when travelling or away from a computer.
Do understand that the role of a face to face meeting is not dead, but rather thriving with the integration of new technology.
Keep on learning!