Introducing the WormWatcher® - the only clear, indoor composter that is lockable and portable. Talk about trash, watersheds, sustainability, earth science and more as worms recycle food waste into healthy soil inside the classroom. Bury different items in each corner and compare results. Spark student curiosity with this hands-on tool! Perform experiments with the worms, worm castings (vermicast used as a soil supplement), and worm tea (liquid fertilizer). This easy-to-clean container with excellent drainage and air flow is a low-maintenance, odorless composter that requires no tumbling or turning! See fast results in days to weeks. It is easy to carry with handles in the base, so share it with other classrooms. The middle/high school kit includes a reading book, a teacher-ready workbook full of worksheets indexed by topic, a sample unit lesson plan from the National Science Teachers Association, the WormWatcher®, DVD, directions, Vitamix, curtain, and landscape cloth. 60-day Warranty. Grades 6-12.
Contact me at JGura@fischertech.com if you'd like to offer this product on your website or have any questions.
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